In The Beginning . . .
The earth was created formless and void. There were no high mountains or low valleys – our planet was in the beginning, formless. God created the earth in such a way, so as to accommodate His unfolding plan.
“For thus saith the Lord, who created the heavens and the earth … He is God Almighty who formed the earth and made it”
He established it and did not create it in vain” (Isaiah 45:18). This verse of Holy Scripture confirms that God Almighty did create the earth with definite intent. I believe He created our planet in such a way, so as to accommodate His unfolding plan. The first verse of Holy Scripture describes how the earth was formed created “. . . formless and void.” (Genesis 1:2).
An authentic pre-flood model of Earth must have had a place for all of the water to go on day three of creation when the dry land appeared. Holy Scripture presents many clues as . . . “He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deeps in storehouses” (Psalm 33:7). So where were the storehouses of the deep and do we have evidence for their existence?
The significance of the word “void” in Genesis 1:2 is not that it describes a chaotic state as many have mistakenly interpreted this verse to mean. The context of this verse is about the creation of our planet so the void was most likely a cavity or recess of interconnected empty chambers waiting to be filled with water from the surface on day three of Creation.
A Hydrodynamic, Gravity Fed, Pump System
Biblical records name four rivers that flowed out of Eden, Euphrates, Tigris, Gihon, and Pishon. In the beginning God created the earth formless according to Holy Scripture these four rivers most likely flowed through cleft rocky channels at the surface … “He hews out channels through the rocks” (Job 28:10). And, the source of these four rivers was one river.
Water flowing through a network of caves deep underground, would surge upwards as a great artesian fountain in the garden of Eden. From there this river divided and coursed through four cleft channels at earth’s formless surface, “to the place where the rivers flow, there they go again” (Ecclesiastes 1:7).
Gravitational forces would cause water flowing at Earth’s formless surface to seek a path of least resistance to four strategic sinkholes where it swirled down into a vast cavity of interconnected chambers beneath the surface – what is described in Genesis chapter one as “The Void.”
“Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place. And let the dry land appear.”
(Genesis 1:9)