The one who builds His chambers in the heavens, and has founded His vaulted dome over the earth …” Amos 9:6
As caprock above ground zero impacted the vaulted dome, great chunks of it were ballistically ejected and propelled into outer space.
Prior to the event of Noah’s flood people and animals lived a very long time, which led me to the the vaulted dome may have contributed to their longevity. Were terrarium-like conditions created by this icy metallic dome as it surrounded the planet? Was it supported by the dipolar magnetic poles of the earth? If so, perhaps It shielded our planet from harmful radiation, prevented rainfall, and contained pure oxygen within an environment where air pressure was 2 to 3 times greater than what it is today.
Multiple verses from Holy Scripture describe a vaulted dome. “Let there be a vaulted dome in the midst of the waters and let it cause a separation between the waters. So God made the vaulted dome, and He caused a separation between the waters which were under the vaulted dome and between the waters which were over, the vaulted dome, and it was so.” Genesis 1:6-7
Medical professionals today understand that increasing oxygen levels and atmospheric pressure reduces cellular oxidation. This is why Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBO) is used as a remedy for decompression sickness and other serious illnesses. This therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in an environment where the barometric air pressure is 2 to 3 times greater than normal air pressure.
When all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, it was a tremendous explosion that defied the limits of both lithostatic pressure and gravity. Its supersonic velocity resulted in removal of Earth’s crust, leaving the pillar-like foundation of Earth exposed at the ocean floor, as is recorded by Psalm 18:15: “Then the channels of water appeared, and the foundation of Earth was laid bare.”
The vertical thrust of this explosion shattered the overlying crust and blasted it into the protective barrier of the vaulted dome. As caprock above ground zero impacted the vaulted dome icy chunks of it were ballistically propelled into outer space. These chunks of ice go around the sun on a highly elliptical orbit as comets and are often referred to as “dirty snowballs.” They are made of ice, dust, and small, rocky particles.
“Comets are cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock, and dust that orbit the Sun.”
If comets contain water in the form of ice, and Earth is the only planet in our solar system containing water, my hypothesis about them originating from the vaulted dome seems rather plausible. And most recently it was discovered comets also contain glycine, an organic compound of protein, which is an amino acid essential to, and evidence for, life on Earth. This is another recent discovery substantiating the idea of comets originating from the vaulted dome.