He took hold of the ends of the earth and shook the wicked out of it.
Job 38:12-13

What triggered a world-wide explosion from the great deep?

After much investigation, details recorded by Holy Scripture seemed to align with Nasa’s information about earth’s molten core being responsive to solar flares. Nasa’s discovery was made way back in the 90’s as scientists observed the aurora borealis lighting up and more actively dancing across the night sky after a large solar flare! Viewing this information from the perspective of Job, it seemed likely the activation energy that triggered a great explosion from the underground chambers may have been a massive solar flare . . . “Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said … “Have you ever in your life commanded the morning, And made the dawn to know its place, So that it would take hold of the ends of the earth, And the wicked would be shaken off from it? Job 38:12-13

Biblical records name four rivers that flowed out of Eden, and because our planet was formless, these rivers most likely flowed through cleft, rocky, channels at earth’s surface, “He hews out channels through the rocks” (Job 28:10).

Gravitational forces would cause water flowing at Earth’s formless surface to seek a path of least resistance to four strategic sinkholes where it would swirl down like a spiraling cyclone into a vast cavity or recess of interconnected empty chambers beneath the surface. What the Bible describes as the void – a cavity or recess of interconnected channels. As a result of this dynamic process, on day three of creation the void was filled with flowing water and the dry land appeared.

Shallow freshwater seas remained within the parameters of these sinkhole depressions, and the same force of gravity pulling water underground would have caused it to surge upward again as a great artesian fountainhead. Perhaps this is the source of legends about a fountain of youth.

This grand, hydrodynamic, gravity-fed, pump system encircled the globe, perpetuating and sustaining life as is recorded in Holy Scripture,“to the place where the rivers flow, there they go again” (Ecclesiastes 1:7). At the time of Noah’s flood, water flowing through these underground caves would become very hot as earth’s molten core flared in response to a massive solar flare and heated up the pillar-like foundation of earth.

Water trapped in deep recesses of underground caves would begin turning into steam. As pressure built minerals and elements from the surrounding rocks were released, and became a conductor for electrical charges from the solar flare. Job 38:25 explicitly suggests the cleft channel became a conduit for the transmission of electrical charges, “Who has cleft a channel for the flood, Or a way for the thunderbolt:” Causing a super-charged steam explosion of great magnitude. One that would not only blast caprock above the caves into the vaulted dome, it would excavate the ocean basins leaving the foundation of earth laid bare at the ocean floor. “And He sent out His arrows, and scattered them. And lightning flashes in abundance, and routed them. Then the channels of water appeared, And the foundations of the world were laid bare” (Psalm 18:14-15).

The vaulted dome was canopy of translucent, metallic ice, surrounding our planet and is referred to many times in Holy Scripture as either the firmament or the vaulted dome. This explosion resulted in giant chunks of ice from the vaulted dome being blasted into space. As they were hurled into space they were launched upon an elliptical journey through our solar system and every so often they return to earth as comets that are also known as “dirty snowballs.” They are composed of ice and dust!