Welcome to The Great Deep

Where Science and Scripture Collide

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever – Isaiah 40:8

Explosive evidence for God’s creation is revealed by “The Great Deep”
A seminal book about the literal accuracy of God’s Word when used as a siphon to understand the geologic features of earth.

As Holy Scripture is applied to comprehending the geology of God’s creation, confidence in His Word is nurtured.

A literal understanding of Holy Scripture is empowering and essential to hearing God’s voice.

Hearing His voice is a pivotal point of understanding. For it is through reading and understanding His Word that we become familiar with who is our Creator, Almighty God.

From the swirling stars of the Milky Way in the heavens to the swirling strands of human DNA at the center of our being human beings created in His image and likeness . . . there is an equation of perfection displayed throughout all of His creation shouting out to the glory of God our Creator. The one who is, and was, and is yet to come.

the second global judgment that is about to occur. “For as in the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in mariage, until the day that Noah entered the ark” (Matthew 24:37).

God instructed Job to . . . “gird up your loins like a man, I will ask you, and you instruct Me!” . . . we too must prepare. NOW is the time to pull up our bootstraps using the power of God’s Word for discerning what is about to unfold. Do not be deceived, “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” (Matthew 24:24)

Fill your lamp with oil, prepare your heart to meet Jesus, God Almighty. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking . . .” (Matthew 24:37) Jesus is calling us to enter His ark of salvation. He is the author and finisher of our faith, the Lord of all creation, the One who established earth upon a solid foundation.

Genesis 1:1 tells us in the beginning earth was created formless, meaning . . . there were no high mountains at the surface – and Genesis 1:2 tells us our planet was created with a void or empty place. One waiting to be filled on Day three of creation when the dry land appeared.

Wouldn’t God have created the earth to accommodate His unfolding plan? Water covering the entire surface must have had a place to go when the dry land appeared on Day 3 of creation.

“For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens … He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it in vain.” (Isaiah 45:18).

It is essential to acknowledge that in the beginning, the Earth was created FORMLESS.

PRIOR to the dynamic earth-transforming event that took place during the Great Flood of Noah (Genesis 7:11), there were no high mountains or deep valleys like the Mariana Trench that plunges down to 36,000 feet below sea level.

Currently, our planet is by no means formless. The highest mountaintops tower over 29,000 feet above sea level . . . AND …  there’s no possible way earth’s current volume of water would cover such a mountainous terrain.

Holy Scripture tells us the smooth “FORMLESS” surface of the earth was covered with water. The volume of water on our planet has not changed. It is the same today as it was in the beginning. Earth’s size has also remained constant, at about 197 million square miles.

Taking into consideration that Earth was originally “formless,” we may calculate that less than two miles of freshwater would have covered the entire smooth surface of Earth on day one of creation.

The Great Deep reveals the dynamic transformation of Earth’s smooth formless surface into the extreme terrain we see today during the dynamic event of Noah’s flood when the foundation of the world was laid bare.

Discover the literal accuracy of Holy Scripture as it relates to geology and science.

The Pillars of the Earth are the Lord’s

Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me if you have understanding … on what were it’s bases sunk?

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Activation Energy

What caused all the fountains of the great deep to burst forth?

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Dirty Snowballs

What happened to the “vaulted dome” that is referred to multiple times by Holy Scripture?

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