The Pillars of the Earth Are the Lord’s
(Samuel 2:8)

Towering pillars of intrusive basalt are now exposed at the ocean floor. They are described by Holy Scripture as the foundations of earth and scientific research confirms that this foundation of pillars is not only exposed at the ocean floor … it continues beneath the continents!

The very fact that we can observe the foundation of earth as it is exposed at the ocean floor … this a critical fact confirming the evidence we see today for what took place with a dynamic transformation of earth with the event of Noah’s Flood!

After years of applying Holy Scripture as a siphon and sifting through volumes of scientific information, I became convinced that the towering pillars of basalt – exposed at the ocean floor confirm the literal accuracy of God’s Word without a doubt.

Because of Job’s accurate description of a “pillar-like” foundation I was totally convinced about God’s sovereign reign as the Creator of heaven and earth.

Further research and exploration led to the discovery of Psalm 18:15 that once again, confirmed how firmly He established our planet upon a rock-solid foundation, ” … and the pillars of the earth were laid bare.” This Psalm is referring to the event of Noah’s flood when all the fountains of the great deep exploded and the pillars of the earth were laid bare for all to see!

Psalm 18:15 presents evidence for the pillar-like foundation of earth being established at the very beginning of creation!

The physical, observable, and concrete evidence of a historic, dynamic, earth-transforming event that is eloquently described by Holy Scripture in Genesis 7:11 is absolutely ground-breaking!

“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep burst forth.”

God speaks to us now, as in the days of Noah. Nobody wanted to listen.

It is a scientific fact that the entire ocean floor is composed of towering pillars made of basalt. This pillar-like foundation extends beneath the continents.

This critical, objective, observation, truly reveals that God Almighty, The Creator designed our planet to accommodate His unfolding plan.

He is the author and finisher of our faith … He is the Alpha and Omega … God created the earth and all life, and as a result … greater is He than you or I for He is Almighty God!

Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved
(1 Chronicles 16:30)

Below you can read more about the pillars of basalt at the ocean floor.

Psalm 96:10, Say among the nations, “The LORD reigns.” The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved; He shall judge the people righteously.

Molten basalt starts out in a thick, fluid-like state. It has a texture similar to cake batter, and just like cake batter it will not form tall sides or towering pillars unless it is injected into a mold.

The towering basalt pillars we observe at the ocean floor today could only have been formed by the injection of magma into a mold prior to this molten-fluid element cooling.

How this could possibly have happened was a mystery until God revealed a missing piece of the puzzle with Psalm 18:15 that presents further insight to details about what really happened when the event of Genesis 7:11 took place. Psalm 18:15 supernaturally reveals – there were no ocean basins prior to the great explosion that took place from the deep.

Prior to this transformation of our planet that took place in Genesis 7:11 the earth was “all land.” This is a scientific fact proven by the observation that the amount of water existing upon our planet has remained the same.observational

And, it was caprock above the foundation of earth that provided a mold for the injection of molten lava. The foundation we now see exposed at the ocean floor was hidden until an earth-transforming explosion took place when all the fountains of the great deep burst forth (Genesis 7:11), “… the channels of water appeared, and the foundations of the world were laid bare,” (Psalm 18:15).

1 Samuel 2:8 – “For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and He has established the world upon them”

Job 38:4 – Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?

Job 38:6 – On what were its bases sunk?

1 Samuel 2:8 – “For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and He has established the world upon them”